Unity and Faith

Ethnic diversity isn’t something that should be begrudgingly tolerated, but enthusiastically celebrated.  

 Scripture isn’t silent when it comes to God’s design for ethnic diversity. Embedded in the gospel is God’s plan to reconcile to himself people from every ethnic group in the world. When the Lord Jesus stretched out his arms on the cross, he did so for people of every race, tribe, nation and language. The Son of God is so glorious that nothing less than all nations would be enough as his chosen community of followers.

 Sadly, the sins of racism, bigotry, and ethnic pride have displayed themselves in many ways in our racially charged culture, both historically and also in the present day. But the gospel offers us a new way. As Christians, we have the privilege of participating in what God is doing in redemptive history. We also have the responsibility not just for us, but also for our children. Countercultural, biblical views don’t just happen, they need to be taught.

 The love of God and his clear message to love each other can be found throughout The Bible.


Les Allan