Difference and Growth


With Black Lives Matter protests last year feeling like a distant memory, there has perhaps now been more discussion on race, oppression and racism than many of us were ever used to. We now find organisations and institutions apologising for dominance and power which enslaved, for some, our relatives, and for others, our friends’ relatives. It’s easy to think this is in the past. But if these protests show us anything, the apologises from the Archbishop about the wealth of the past is not enough, and shows there’s still a lot to be done. The diaspora and lack of reparation must educate the rest of us to help bring belonging to any minority, in a society that tells us to be the same rather than different.

Referring to The parable of the Good Samaritan, (Luke 10:25-37), which of course has been labelled as such by translators and scholars. This labelling’s of ‘good’ onto the outcasted Samaritan suggests that this characteristic is unusual, and is in itself telling. What this passage shows us is that Jesus is teaching the disciples about how to live, act and love through someone so unlike them.


Les Allan